Friday, July 20, 2007

7 Random Things

Well, I have been at Reality Week, our camp, all week and didn't know that I had been tagged by Robert. So, now that I am back... here are some of the many random things that make up The Lance.

1. I used to collect beer cans. I had a collection of about 500 of them and foolishly sold them for $200 to a guy I knew in Longview... those cans could have sent my kids to college. Well, a community college - if they got a good paying job and lived at home while attending classes.

2. I refuse to write with those composite wood pencils. You know what I am talking about? Those pressed wood kind that have the lead (graphite) that just writes weird. I prefer the real wood sort. I hope someone out there who reads this one understands it.

3. I have consistently maintained that "Twister" is one of the worst movies that most of the people I know loved. I have never understood the appeal of this disaster (in more than one way!) movie. Good tornado chasers vs. bad ones??? Come on.

4. My principal in elementary school took my Rubik's cube from me in the 6th grade. He told me he would give it back to me at the end of the year... he never did. I have never forgotten.

5. I failed spelling in middle school with a 56. I refused to do what I considered "busy work". While I aced every test... I consistently scored a zero on my homework.

6. My dream car is a Fiat Spider. Red convertible with tan interior. Mmmmmm baby.

7. I have (with Jason's help) recently coined a new word. Slaboomby (alt. spelling Slaboombi). It is an exclamatory expression denoting surprise/delight/awe. (i.e. I was just walking down the street and SLABOOMBY! she walked into my life)

Bonus! I am addicted to thinking up plot lines for movies. I bought a screenplay program and am currently writing a "short" entitled Webcam about a police detective who witnesses a girl with whom he is having an internet affair being abducted. I have an filmmaker friend who is going to help complete the project.