Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Caption Contest!

Let's see who can come up with the best caption (that's the words written under the picture, Little Rachel) for my profile pic (the one with Jason in the background). The winner... uh, gets to have their caption used.

Sounds exciting.


Kristen said...

All the boys think he's a spy
He's got Bette Davis eyes

Todd Wright said...

"Don't ever talk about my mother."

Susie Moore said...

I dont have one but I think Kristens is hilarious.

Todd Wright said...

What about a caption for Jason in this pic...there's some comedic material there for sure.

Lance said...

I think Jason is the one who needs the caption... that was kind of the original idea...

Lou said...

"Guys, you are not going to believe this, but Lance just walked outside without has pants on!!"

Lou said...

Psst. If you keep quiet, Lance won't know you're here.

Anonymous said...

"He has no idea."

Todd Wright said...


"Just wait, Burch. Just wait. You're gonna' get yours, big time!"

Danielle said...

Onlookers shamefully respond with repugnance and derision as Lance proudly débuts his conjoined twin.

Danielle said...

stupid caption

Lou said...

"Man, I wish I could quit you Lance Burch...."

Clay said...

"lance was a prick in high school!"

Danielle said...

very funny Clay! I was just filled in on that the other day!

DWC said...

Man ... always the assistant youth pastor ... when do I get to be in front ? Maybe one day ....
