Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I guess this was inevitable

I have some bad news.

We didn't get a microwave in our house until like 1983... Dad thought they were dangerous and "not natural." Our first VCR was purchased around '85. I think my parents bought their first compact disc a couple of months ago.

My point?

I think my involvement in blogging may be a sign of the Apocalypto of blogging... I don't know what's next. And in fact, won't know what is next until its popularity is waning. But, rest assured, I signal the end for all of you.



Todd Wright said...


Lance said...

my first comment! Todd wins!

Rachel said...

O.k. sorry Lance, you do have a blog. On my blog I posted a comment saying that you didn't have one and now I see that you do. I'm very excited.

Kristen said...

Welcome, my Bluebird brother...welcome.

Danielle said...

Lance. I was wondering if you would throw up in your mouth by touching a liquid on the outside of a trash bag that you were NOT taking out...assuming you touch trash bags you aren't taking out. I'm very glad you have started to blog and if I had known that there was winning involved I would have commented 1st!

Lou said...

Lance is in the HOUSE

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DaddyBert said...

I understood it all, but of course I am close to his parent's age. But now Lance, Rachel, Todd and others tell us we are going to have to learn a new one. I'll stay on these old-fashioned blogs if you will.

Susie Moore said...

Well it was fun while it lasted...