Saturday, February 10, 2007

Can Juliet control the future?

I know that LOST has been a little slow lately ... but, I think the last episode was one of the most intriguing in a long time.
So... can Juliet determine the future? Everyone assumes that Mittelos Bioscience made her ex get hit by a bus... but she said it - and it happened. Then she wanted her sister to get pregnant... bingo. Then she wanted Jack to mess up during surgery... I don't have to remind you. Also, she seemed so sure that Jack wouldn't allow Ben to die. How did she know that? I think she was relying on her ability to control things.

Ok... if you watch, shoot some holes in this one.


Amy said...

I think you may be on the right track . . .

Lou said...

Interesting theory my friend.

The only problem I have with it is wouldn't she have taken over the "others" by now? Or if she really wanted off of the island and is as unhappy there as she seems (not wanting to do the book Ben did in their Book Club), wouldn't she have just willed it to happen?

Or does her power not work on the "others"?

I think I need a little more before I would buy into it. But I like the thinking.

It's great to have it back on after the break.

Lance said...

Good points, Lou. But, I'm not sure she is that miserable. I also don't think she was honest about what Ben told her in the operating room.

BTW... what book did she want in the book club? CARRIE... a book about a very powerful girl.


Lou said...

You have to love a Lost debate.

So onward....

She choose Carrie becuase it was her sisters favorite book. There is a screen shot when she is giving her sister the meds and it's on the her dresser. Which would lead to her feeling unhappy to be on the island without her sister.

And what did you think of last nights episode????? Is Desmond really reliving his life??????

Mom of 6 said...

I'm thinking you need to switch to 24...... Jack Bauer is way cooler!!!!!

blake stewart said...

Well if this is true, she'll be able to do what she wants, but this week she ain't leaving so we'll see...

jen said...

ok, the fact that you thought of that, and the Lou thought of it more, and that you repsonded ... well, i am speachless. Whatever happened to just wathcing tv to veg for an hour and just enjoying the MINDLESSNESS of it all???