Sunday, January 20, 2008

Who Bluett?

It is time to make your guess. Who is masquerading as world class comic genius, Darrell Bluett?


Todd Wright said...

I've been thinking on this one...

At first, I thought it was someone based on the East Coast. You know, one of "those" people you all have met since moving out of Texas.

However, Bluett showed up w/ a comment on my blog, which seems to put them in both or circles.

My first guess was Jonathan Martin (due to his blog-stalking history,) but the phrasing isn't right.

I then liked Danielle for the accent stuff, but the person said something like "Lance started me on this blogging craze."

One of you youth pastor buds, maybe?

Lance said...

interesting thoughts... TODD

Danielle said...

I too thought that it was one of "those" people you guys have met up there...especially given the weird/nonTexan nature of his comments.

But then I decided it must be someone with supreme cleverness and I is Jason.

And Todd, since when have I ever used that "accent stuff"?

Anonymous said...

cHEKZ out my GLOB fur CLUEZ!!!!!

Danielle said...

no thanks

Danielle said...

the only person I know from Shrevesport, Zambia is Chad

Chad said...

"I Bluett" . . . it was fun for little while, but then it got too hard trying to live a double life.