Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I think they like bumper stickers more than conservatives.

I'm just sayin'


mimi said...

When I see the bumper stickers that say, "Keep Portland Weird," I want to ram into their car and say, "Is that weird enough for you?"

Lance said...

very funny.

Jessica said...

haha. how often do you change your "things that make me throw up in my mouth"

i just noticed they were different.

and i totally agree with the milk thing. one time, they gave us milk in urkaine and i was so excited because i hadn't had it in like two weeks. but after a huge swig of it, i discovered that it was lukewarm. and not so pleasant.

Jessica said...

in regards to bumper stickers,

i often feel as if they are trying SO hard to say something, that the message gets lost in the translation.

one time, i read an entire bumper full and had no idea what they were trying to say.

one of those ones with funny sarcastic sayings like, "I'm Not a Hillbilly, I'm an Appalachian American!"

Lance said...

I change both: "Things that make me throw up in my mouth" and the caption on my picture. The caption by the way is always Jason's words.

brittany said...

One of my favorite bumper stickers is "If I can flick my boogers on you, you're too close."
It just makes me giggle, and I guess I can relate.

txgirl said...

They are like spoiled children screaming for attention. They have badgered their friends and relatives about political issues to the point that no one will listen to them so they resort to yelling at the rest of society through their bumper stickers.

Steve Risinger