Friday, February 8, 2008

Where in the line is Lance Burch?


daniel said...

is that you in the green sweater and jeans right at :30 into the video?!

if so, that's awesome!

Lance said...

daniel wins.

Robert Conn said...

I was going to be more specific and say a few spaces behind the yellow bag and right in front of the guy with the ball cap and sipping on the latte.

But Daniel's answer was better.

Lance said...

robert... we may have a bit of controversy.

I said "where" in the line. Daniel answered the question "when" in the line.

The judges will confer with each other and reach a decision in a moment...

robert wins.

Jenn said...

We love you Lance and cannot wait to hear you on Friday! We don't want to share you with anyone else, anyway!!

Have a great week!!

brittany said...

are you the one saying "heeeeeeeeey" in the back ground right after they passed you??? lol

Lance said...

Brit... that is DEFINITELY not me.