Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's ridiculous... but it made me smile. Is it real???

If this is fake... hats off to the producers.


Adam Workman said...

That made me smile too...thanks for sharing. I still remember the day Jesus zapped me. Hey, He always gets His man.

Robert Conn said...

Was that the Edge?

Kelsey said...


Stephanie said...

that was rock and roll?

Jodie said...

That made me hurt all over

Shelly Conn said...

Yes, Jesus will still love him when he writes weird songs. That's good news for that guy.

Jessica said...

wow. i don't even know.

but i'm gonna go try to sleep off the wreckage that is that song. i feel like it's going to be a difficult one to get out of my head.. oh boy.

"jesus is a friend of mine..."

ryeand said...

If you like that try the full album...

JWD said...

I've read a interview with Sal the lead singer. It does seem to be legit. I love this video.

Anonymous said...

oh my-lanta!!! that's freakin' awesome!